Thursday, August 30, 2012

That doesn't look comfortable

Warning:  This is a post of a bunch of random stuff...

Leah just turned  4 and doesn't hardly nap anymore. It's a rare (and glorious!) day when she does.  She came up to me yesterday around 1 p.m. and told me she was tired.  When I suggested a nap she said, "I was just kidding Mama... I'm not tired."  For some reason she wouldn't sleep in her own bed but when I suggested that she sleep in my bed she was all for it.  10 minutes later I found her like this.
She still went to bed at a decent hour so hooray all around!!!  But the really big news is we got our very first postcard!!!!  Forgive my newbie blogger issue.  I can't figure out how to rotate this picture but you get the idea.
 Here's the back.  Manda did an awesome job writing a description on the back with things that are unique to New Hampshire.  She has a great advantage having lived there.  Kudos to Manda!!!
 Here's a cute picture of Leah :)
 My girls have been fighting a lot lately over toys or games or whatever so it's nice to see them snuggling with the Leapster.
 Sarah being studious...
 I found this little binder with page protectors in my stash and it works great for our postcards!  I am looking forward to filling it up.

 The other day my mom and I went garage saling and found a bunch of great deals.  I came across these wooden letter blocks.  I have no babies or toddlers (my youngest is 4) but I was compelled to buy the bag for only $1.  I love that my 7 year old has found a great interest in these blocks.  So simple....  It could be because she and her sister lost the privilege of the wii for a whole week.  
 Today she helped her Daddy check to see if the gutters needed to cleaned out before the rain comes flooding in this weekend from Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac.
Sorry for my randomness of this post... Here's to tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! Love the one of S helping Daddy. Awwwww...
