Monday, August 27, 2012

Playing catch up

What a GREAT day at school!!!!  There were a few things here and there that we didn't get done last week and we were able to do a bit of a long day today and get them all done, yay!!!! 

The day started out a bit rough.  The girls have been having allergy problems and I accidentally gave them Benedryl instead of Zyrtec.  I'm afraid they were a bit drowsy getting started...  We plugged along and things looked up! 

The girls found a VHS tape of "School House Rock" that I got somewhere along the way so we watched that for a dance break.  Cracks me up how my 4 year old knows these songs!!!  This also cracks me up....
Turns out a dance party can wake you up!!!

One of the things we didn't get done last week was making foil boats (3 for the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria).
 Here at "when you sit at home" I like to "keep it real" by not cropping out dirty parts of my house or making my kids brush their hair before school...

 I also don't make them get dressed out of their pj's before school either.
 Once we had all 3 of them completed with sails, we went out back to "set sail".
 Sarah immediately got into it!  Last week we also learned the affects of air (effects??? please don't judge me for homeschooling my kids and still not knowing grammar.  Or do.... whatever).  This is one of the reasons I really love My Father's World curriculum.  What you learn about in history is carried over into science, Bible, etc.  It's so neat to put it all together!

 Oh Leah.... poor girl.  Not sure what happened but as soon as we got out to the pool to put our boats in she immediately had a melt down (Benadryl e/affects???).  She kept saying, "My boat won't float!"  I think she thought the pool would have more water and that the boats would go faster.... I'm not sure.
 But clearly she was not happy.  So of course I took a picture of it.
 She started to come around...
 And eventually go into it.
All in all, a great day :) 

This week we're learning about Pocahontas and John Smith.  I'm thinking a Disney movie night is in our future this Friday night!


  1. The Family Vision Library has at least one good children's dvds on Pocahontas. It was suggested to us to visit Cahokia Mounds, It looks like they have some interesting educational days coming up on Sept. 8&9.

    Good Job Susan!

  2. Susan, I love that you are blogging this! I wish I would have hd the gumption to do this, (homeschool) back when the kids were younger. Congrats on the blog!

  3. Affect with an a means "to influence," as in, "The arrows affected the Aardvark."
    Effect with an e has a lot of subtle meanings as a noun, but to me the meaning "a result" seems to be at the core of all the definitions. "The effect was eye-popping."
    But you can do math IN YOUR HEAD!!! ;)
    Love your candid shots. And the boats. Those were pretty kewl.
