Tuesday, August 28, 2012

State Post Card Project

As I mentioned in my first post, we're using the curriculum, Adventures in My Father's World.  During our school year we'll be learning about each state in order that they joined the Union.  I thought it would be fun to see if we could get people to send us postcards from each of the states as we go through and learn about them.  I posted this idea on Facebook and the response was overwhelming!  I'm so thankful for all those that have responded and are willing to go to their friends and ask to send strangers, a postcard all for the sake of one of my whims :)  I'll call it a brilliant idea later when it all pans out.

With just a few holes in my list (because of course I put it all onto Excel...), I'm pretty well set! 

I really can't wait until the mail starts pouring in!!!  The girls don't know about this yet so it should be fun to watch them gather the mail :)  Thanks to all those that are helping... you rock!!!

And just because what's a blog post without pictures... here are a few pics of our morning.
 Sarah being goofy...
 Leah *was* practicing her numbers nicely until I went to take a picture.... then she started with the scribbles.
 For school I often read aloud a section of history and then Sarah has to write a 2 sentence summary of what I just read.  I started using this board as a way to help her recap what we just talked about.  This is a very Charlotte Mason way of homeschooling.  I asked her who?  and she told me and I wrote it down and then moved on to what, etc.  Then I asked her to give me 2 sentences about all that info and I write down what she says and then she has to copy it onto her paper.  I liked doing this and it was easier than just saying, "Ok, give me 2 sentences about what all I just read".  Hopefully this will make it sink in more and be easier for her and me!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this idea! I might try it on my older students too. ;)
